
Forum moms: Pregnancy Message Boards — Baby Forums

Regional Scientific and Educational Forum “Mother and Child”

On June 27–30, Gelendzhik hosted the 10th Regional Scientific and Educational Forum «Mother and Child» attended by more than 600 gynecologists. The event attracted participation of leading pharmaceutical manufacturers, including Petrovax Pharm. The company was the event’s major sponsor as well as an active scientific expert, and a notable exhibitor.

Petrovax Pharm sponsored the symposium on chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) as an issue barring a happy motherhood. Timely PID diagnostics and treatment is of medical, social, and economic significance. PID results in adhesions that in 30% of cases cause infertility, and in 50% of cases cause miscarriage. Importantly, a many-year successful experience of the use of Petrovax Pharm’s Polyoxidonium and Longidaze has proved their clinical efficacy in combined PID treatment[1].

The reports covered a wide scope of women’s health issues.

E.g., Prof. Larissa Maltseva, MD, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chair, Kazan Medical Academy, shared her experience of practical application of Polyoxidonium® и Longidaze® in treatment of patients with urogenital infections and PID. She emphasized that assignment of immunomodulating and antifibrotic therapies was essential in chronic endometritis management.

Petrovax Pharm’s medicinal products were widely exhibited within the framework of the satellite exhibition. The company’s roll-up designed to the concept «Thanks from the moms-to-be» caught the visitors’ attention and was recognized by lead experts as the most creative exposition of the exhibition. The company’s representatives spoke about the products use in clinical practice, their indications, efficacy, and high safety profile.

[1] Лапина И.А., Доброхотова Ю.Э., Бондаренко К.Р., Гаврилов М.В., Ермоленко Н. С. Комплексный подход к лечению гнойных воспалительных заболеваний органов малого таза с применением иммуномодулирующей терапии.

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